Archive: August 1, 2023

Preventing conjunctivitis: 7 simple exercises to ward of eye flu and keep your eyes healthy

Preventing conjunctivitis: 7 simple exercises to ward of eye flu and keep your eyes healthy

Preventing conjunctivitis: 7 simple exercises to ward of eye flu and keep your eyes healthy

Conjunctivitis cases are spreading exponentially across various parts of the country, especially in areas that have witnessed heavy rains, flooding and waterlogging. Keeping the ongoing monsoon season and the high humidity levels in mind that are leading to the rise of bacterial and viral infections, it’s imperative to take care of your eye health. Acute viral conjunctivitis is on rise these days which can spread quite easily as it can survive on surfaces for quite a while. To prevent its spread, it’s important to wash your hands often and avoid touching your eyes when in a public place. One should try to keep social distance and be careful while traveling in public transport. Redness, itchiness, stickiness and pain in the eyes should not be ignored as these can be signs of conjunctivitis or pink eye.

Eye flu or conjunctivitis can also be prevented by following certain measures from taking a nutritional diet to doing eye exercises. There are certain exercises that help control swelling in the eyes and prepare them for fighting infections.

“As the monsoon season arrives, it not only brings a sense of relief from the scorching heat, but also ushers in a host of infections and diseases. “Threat to our health. Among the common monsoon-related diseases, eye flu, or conjunctivitis, emerges as a frequent concern,” says Dr Anurag Wahi, Senior Consultant, Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals in an interview with HT Digital.

“Eye flu, also known as conjunctivitis, is a contagious eye infection that can cause discomfort and inconvenience. In addition to maintaining good hygiene practices, recent studies suggest that regular exercise can contribute significantly to preventing eye flu and promoting better eye health. Engaging in Specific exercises help improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and enhance tear production, making our eyes more resistant to infections,” adds Dr. Wahi.

Let’s check out some simple yet effective exercises to keep your eyes healthy and flu-free.

1. Brisk walking

Brisk walking is an accessible and low-impact exercise that stimulates blood flow throughout the body, including the eyes. Aim for at least 30 minutes of walking daily to improve overall circulation and eye health.

2. Cycling

Cycling is a great cardiovascular exercise that increases oxygen supply to the eyes. Regular cycling can help maintain eye health and prevent eye flu.

3. Aerobics

Engaging in aerobic exercises, such as jumping jacks and dancing, boosts heart rate and promotes tear production. Tears help protect the eyes from potential contaminants, reducing the risk of eye infections.

Simple yet effective exercises to keep your eyes healthy and flu-free.

4. Eye rolling

Eye rolling is a simple exercise to reduce eye strain and enhance eye lubrication. Sit comfortably and slowly roll your eyes in a circular motion five times clockwise and five times counterclockwise.

5. Blinking rapidly

Blink rapidly for about 20 seconds at regular intervals. Rapid blinking spreads natural tears over the eye’s surface, keeping them moisturized and less susceptible to infections.

6. Focus shifting

Focus on an object near you for a few seconds, then shift your focus to something far away. Repeat this exercise several times to improve eye flexibility and reduce strain.

7. Palming

Rub your palms together until they become warm, then gently place them over your closed eyes. Palming relieves eye fatigue, relaxes eye muscles, and provides a soothing effect.

“Preventing eye flu goes beyond practicing good hygiene; incorporating regular exercise into your routine can significantly contribute to better eye health. These simple exercises promote blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and enhance tear production, making your eyes more resilient to infections. Alongside exercise, remember to wash hands frequently, avoid touching your eyes unnecessarily, and maintain overall eye care,” concludes Dr Wahi.

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