Category: Lifestyle

Lizard In Dreams: Do you also see a lizard in your dream, know its meaning

Lizard In Dreams: Do you also see a lizard in your dream, know its meaning

Lizard In Dreams: Do you also see a lizard in your dream, know its meaning

Lizard In Dreams It is also not considered good to see a lizard sticking to the wall in a dream or a lizard swooping down. One should be careful after having such dreams. This dream indicates that some enemy is soon going to plot.

Every person has some dream while sleeping. Some of these dreams are good, some are bad. At the same time, some dreams are scary too. These dreams are closely related to real life. Dreams have been explained in detail in Swapna Shastra. If you also see good or bad things in your dream, then you can know from the dream scriptures that how auspicious or inauspicious that dream is for you. At the same time, seeing a lizard in a dream is not considered auspicious.

Come, know everything about it-

  1. According to the experts of dream science, it is not right for a person to see a lizard in a dream. It also indicates the occurrence of an unforeseen situation. If you see a lizard entering the house in your dream, then it is a sign that some trouble may come to that person’s house in the coming time. At the same time, killing a lizard in a dream gives auspicious results. It is a sign that you are about to get out of trouble soon. Simply put, you will be able to overcome the problems.
  2. At the same time, it is not good to see a lizard hunting in a dream. If you see lizard eating insects in your dream, then it is a sign of big loss in life. According to the dream scripture, there is a risk of financial loss due to this. You may get stuck in financial crisis.
  3. According to experts, seeing a baby lizard in a dream is also not auspicious. This is a sign that some of your work is about to stop. Simply put, there may be a hindrance in the work.
  4. It is also not considered good to see a lizard sticking to a wall in a dream or a lizard swooping down. One should be careful after having such dreams. This dream indicates that some enemy is soon going to plot. You may be the victim of some conspiracy.
Dreaming About Money: Do you also see a lot of money in your dreams, know what it means

Dreaming About Money: Do you also see a lot of money in your dreams, know what it means

Dreaming About Money: Do you also see a lot of money in your dreams, know what it means

Dreams are closely related to real life. Dreams have been explained in detail in Swapna Shastra. Especially, seeing money in a dream has a special meaning. According to experts, there are two reasons for dreams. One of these reasons is Scientific Reason. Simply put, when a person’s thinking is focused on one point all the time. In such a situation, a person has similar dreams in the night. However, the importance of dreams has been told in Swapna Shastra. According to this scripture, every dream has a meaning.

If you also see a lot of money in your dream, then let’s know its meaning-

  1. If you are depositing money in the bank in a dream, then this dream is considered very good. It is a sign that you are going to make money soon. Therefore, depositing money in the bank in a dream is auspicious.
  2. If someone gives you crumpled notes in your dream, it is a sign that your financial situation is going to get better soon. This also indicates an increase in income.
  3. At the same time, losing money in a dream and finding lost money is not auspicious. It is a sign that soon you may fail in some auspicious work. Also, be careful in the transaction of money.
  4. If you are picking up money that has fallen on the ground in a dream, then it is an alarm for you. For this, it is necessary to focus on your actual work and work in the future.
  5. Catching money tossed in the air in your dream is a sign that you are about to give advice to other people.
  6. Losing money in a dream is not true in real life. It is a sign that your life is not going in the right direction.
How to strike a balance between mother and wife? Know the remedy suggested by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

How to strike a balance between mother and wife? Know the remedy suggested by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

How to strike a balance between mother and wife? Know the remedy suggested by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

How to strike a balance between mother and wife? When a person reached the meeting of spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar with this question, Gurudev told the solution of his problem in a very funny way.

One thing is common in the beautiful relationship of mother-in-law and husband-wife, which makes it even more special. This is nothing but a sour-sweet tussle between them. Where on the one hand, the husband and wife want that the dispute between them should be confined within the confines of the room and should not fall in the ears of anyone outside, while the dispute between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is such that both of them do not want to keep it within the boundary of the boundary wall. Gets.

Both want someone to end this story by taking their side. An important person of the house gets caught in this middle, who is forced to face the anger of the wife if she takes the side of the mother and if she takes the side of the wife, she is awarded the title of ‘My son has changed’.

The meaning of saying is that far from favoring one of the mother or wife, even if she speaks something, she is in difficulty to fall. Now how to strike a balance between mother and wife? When a person reached the meeting of spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar with this question, Gurudev told the solution of his problem in a very funny way.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar jokingly said that if you want to strike a balance between mother and wife, then never stand between the two. Let them do their own tinkering. Don't fall in the middle. Whatever is happening, watch it quietly, because if you favor one, you will definitely be in trouble. Moreover, even if you do not favor anyone, you are bound to get into trouble. I believe that you must have the skill to deal with it. You should pray to God to give you this skill.